Wednesday, April 9, 2014

don't forget to be in love

In the humdrum of the days, so routine, so unchanging, I have forgotten to be in love. I let the days swallow me up and put my myself on auto-pilot. I let my heart go slack and let my mind get lazy, trailing behind my hands and feet as they work.

Don't forget to love.

Don't forget to love the love of your life. To miss him and be excited to see him at the end of the day. Don't forget to remember your history, your story, where you've been and where you are. Remember the way his embrace erases the woes of a bad day and his laugh sends you over the moon.

Remember to feel. 

The world sends my brain into survival mode, with it's stresses and often crushing sense of overwhelming responsibility. It numbs me from the inside out. My nerves' defense, in trying to protect me, numbs me, not only to the harshness in my days, but to the goodness as well. It's a sad and isolating place to be. Remember to feel. Remember to raise the walls of defense. So much goodness is outside those walls. The brush of lips, an enveloping embrace, heart filling love.

Don't forget to love.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

make, read, listen

MAKE: Spring has sprung and I'm in LOVE with this idea at A Beautiful Mess. The herbs add style and texture to your kitchen and taste to your food! Pinned and on my need-to-do-this-now list. 

READ: 18 Chances You Will Note Regret Taking in Life on Marc and Angel Hack Life . A much needed reminder that we are the only ones standing in the way of living our best life. A mood booster/pep talk. You need this in your life. 

LISTEN: Subscribe to this podcast and play it every Monday morning in the car on the way to work. Suze Orman will whip your money brain into shape. Don't live life without having listened to Suze. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

squity-eye and furrowed-brow skepticism

I get into these natural skincare jams. You know, make your own face wash, moisturizer etc. I scour Pinterest for ideas and recipes and flip through old copies of Vegetarian Times and Natural Living. The simplicity draws me in and the chance to break out from the crowd is appealing. I told you about the oil cleansing method last week and I am totally sold on it. It works beautifully.

But, in my research, the DIY natural skincare recipes quickly and abruptly change from simple to downright silly. I mean I already feel a bit silly slathering on oil from my kitchen onto my face and now you're telling me to mix up avocado, yogurt, oatmeal, sugar, cinnamon, boiled and pureed apple, egg whites, lemon juice and smashed blueberries and put it on my face?
That's when I come down with the squinty-eye and furrowed-brow kind of skepticism.
I am 99.9% sure the person on the other side of the article is sitting there, slouched back in her chair, snickering at her little joke on the ladies of the world.

Do you ever come down with squinty-eye and furrowed-brow skepticism?

I get it often. I mean, are they really recycling or is it just an excuse to sell more trash receptacles? Is the humane society really using my donation for good, or just increasing someone's paycheck? Are the car salesman really consulting their sales managers during price negotiations or are they going back to their offices and putting their feet up?

Some might call it a lack of faith. I call it a healthy dose of suspicion. A chance to think deeper about what really goes on.