Tuesday, March 18, 2014

eat, read, watch

EAT: Welcome spring with lettuce cups. I use this recipe from Rachael Ray as the base (omit the tortillas), add some rice and make up some additional sauces to mix things up. The color and crunch are amazing. For a yummy sauce: mix together soy sauce, splash of water, chopped jalapeƱo, chopped fresh ginger, a dollop of honey and the juice of 1 lime. Let it sit a bit so the soy sauce becomes infused with the pepper and ginger. Eat them for dinner, take them to work. They are addicting.
READ: The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. It will change the way you look at the little details in your life. It will open the doors to possibility and remind you that you are in charge of your life. I appreciated the honesty and real-world application of her ideas and research.

WATCH: this inspiring video. I mean....wow. Giving is about so much more than money.

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